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"Free Fare"  1972
Choice 1978  Dan Guinn, Mike Penland,  Mike Good, and Dan Cory at the Matteson House, Bronson Michigan
Playing with Choice 1977
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Music has played a major part of Dan’s life.  Dan’s father played a four string tenor guitar in a “ combo”, that’s what they called it way back when, and Dan ,at the age of 9, sat while his father would practice and begged him to teach him some chords.  That started it all.  Mother tried to force Dan into playing the piano, however the piano teacher's husband played guitar also, so it was destiny.  Dan wanted to be a rock and roll star at a very young age.
After learning basic chords,  Dan hooked up with friends in the small town of Blissfield, Michigan.  At the age of 12, he played his first paid job. A wedding reception that grossed the band $5 each.  He was hitting it big. The name of the band was “Tom, Doug, and Dan. Catchy huh!  That early taste of music, playing in a band, playing for people, stuck with him.  As Dan progressed through High School and into College he continued to play with many different bands finally finding a group of guys at college with the same ambition. 
Dan left college to pursue a career playing music on the road, living out of a suitcase month after month.  The band had hooked up with a company out of  Florida.  They moved to Florida to practice and train with professionals from Las Vegas.  In a couple of months the band, now called “Free Fare”, hit the circuit.  In eight months Free Fare would travel the entire East Coast and Midwest, covering about 29000 miles.
Reality check.  Parental influence. Call it what you want.  Dan decided to go back to College.  He continued to play with the local college talent and then through some strange turn of events ended up in Ft.  Wayne , Indiana, owning a sound reinforcement music store.  As musicians will do, they find each other.  About this time Dan met Dan.  That is Dan Guinn the current lead guitar player for Choice.  Dan and Dan played for some time in the Ft. Wayne area.  Finally migrating north to Auburn where they hooked up with some previous band members of Dan Guinn. 
Dan played guitar through most of his musical endeavors, but upon meeting Dan Guinn switched to bass.  Dan continued to play bass for the next 30 years.  The opportunity to play with Choice has afforded him the luxury of building friendships of the fellow band members as strong as brothers and the opportunity to play for more people than he ever thought possible as a musician.  With Choice, Dan played with the legendary John Fogerty from Credence Clear Water Revival.  Now with the addition of another long time friend and bass player Mike Littlejohn,  Dan has the freedom to once again play guitar.
While living in Auburn with his family, he still enjoys the opportunity to get together with fellow Choice members Mike Good, Dan Guinn, Mike Penland and Mike Littlejohn and as we say in the business, “Rock The House”.

Dan Cory
Rhythm Guitar, Vocals